
“In my 28 years of difficult marriage, I sought help from many counseling situations that were unsuccessful. It wasn’t until I went through Biblical counseling with Pat that I began to see Christ in a different way- a way that has led me to a closer relationship with Jesus, tools to keep me out of ‘the pit’, and a heart that’s filled with peace, despite my circumstances.”

"I came for counseling at a low point of faith. Anxiety was causing me unending stress and harming every area of my life. My answer was to drown my doubts in alcohol, which further harmed myself and my family. Through Pat, God revealed my addiction as death instead of life. Pat gave me practical help and a deep loving kindness for my struggle. I can see now Jesus came to rescue my heart to transform me into His image for His glory."

“During the lowest point in my life, Pat explained to me biblically how God fits in the picture. This has encouraged me to read God’s words, grow spiritually, continue to walk with Christ every day and to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for all of my needs in the midst of my storm. This has resulted in God changing my heart in ways I never imagined before. Thank you, Pat, for your guidance and all of your help. You are a man of God that genuinely cares and wants to help others.”